Wrong treatment of corona cure-1
Wrong treatment of corona cure
Corona prevention or treatment of rumors that do not go to the wrong treatment, find out.
Does eating garlic work to prevent corona infections?
There is no evidence that garlic is effective against coronavirus. However, garlic is a beneficial food, which may have some antiseptic properties.
Does pepper work against corona?
No. Chili peppers can enhance the taste of your food, but do not prevent coronavirus. Eating extra pepper after corona does not play a role in recovery. Consult a doctor, follow hygiene rules, be careful.
Does bleaching powder get rid of corona by sprinkling it on the body?
No. Under no circumstances should you use a disinfectant like bleaching powder. If it gets into the stomach in any way, it can turn into poison. There may be burns to the skin and burning of the clothes, or damage to the eyes.
Disinfectants such as bleaching powders can be used to disinfect the surface of an object. However, care must be taken to stay away from the human body.
Do you die if you take methanol, ethanol or bleaching powder?
Eating or drinking methanol, ethanol or bleaching powder does not prevent or cure coronavirus in any way. Rather, it can lead to serious illness.
Methanol, ethanol and bleaching powder are toxic. Accepting these can lead to death or disability. These are sometimes used to destroy viruses on the surface of objects, but not for human consumption. When using a solution of methanol, ethanol or bleaching powder to kill the virus in an object, care must be taken to protect the body and eyes and face.
Do not burn in the sun?
Rumor has it that exposure to more than 25 degrees Fahrenheit [25 সেল C] protects against coronavirus. But medical scientists say that no matter how hot the weather, you may have corona. Due to this, the coronavirus has spread even in the countries where the temperature is high.
Gargle with mouthwash to protect from corona?
There is no evidence that mouthwash can protect against coronavirus. Some mouthwashes may be able to kill other germs in your saliva for a while; But there is no guarantee that you will be protected from the coronavirus.
Sesame oil makhle coronavirus will not enter the body?
Sesame oil does not destroy corona. Some chemical disinfectants such as bleach / chlorine-based disinfectant, ether solution, 85% ethanol, parasetic acid, chloroform etc. can kill the coronavirus from the surface of any object.
Is it possible to prevent coronary infections by cleaning the nose regularly with saline?
Regular nasal cleansing with saline can prevent coronavirus infection - no definitive evidence has yet been found. It has been found that regular nasal cleansing with saline relieves the common cold quickly. But it is not known if this prevents respiratory infections.
Is hand dryer effective in destroying coronavirus?
No, hand dryers are not effective in destroying the new coronavirus. For your own protection, clean your hands frequently with soap and water or with hand sanitizer. After cleaning hands, wipe hands dry with a tissue / clean cloth / warm air dryer.
Can Ultra Violet Disinfectant Lamps Destroy Corona?
Ultra-violet lamps should not be used to disinfect hands or any other part of the body. The use of ultra-violet lamps can cause skin problems.
Does pneumonia vaccine have any role in preventing corona?
No, it is not effective in preventing pneumonia caused by coronavirus. Coronavirus is a completely new type of virus that requires a separate vaccine. Which has already been discovered and used worldwide.
Does hydroxychloroquine relieve corona?
At the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, a variety of drugs were used to treat these symptoms. One of these was hydroxychloroquine, which was used for malaria and some autoimmune diseases. However, later studies have shown that these drugs are not as effective in preventing corona. It doesn't do much to prevent coronavirus death or illness.
Vitamin and Mineral Covid does well?
Micronutrients like Vitamin DRC and Zinc can play a role in keeping your immune system working properly and maintaining your health and nutrition. However, medical scientists have not yet given instructions on how to cure these covid patients.
Is it possible to die by spraying alcohol or chlorine all over the body?
No, if the coronavirus enters the body, it is not possible to kill the novel carnavirus by spraying alcohol or chlorine all over the body. Although alcohol or chlorine are antiseptic, they should not be used without proper instructions. All these substances can cause damage to the clothes including eyes and face. Be careful to use disinfectant this morning.